Counterpunch (Melodic Skate Punk, Chicago)

Wed. 18. April 2018, 21:00 horas



Consisting of three-part harmonies and anthemic choruses, Chicago based punk band Counterpunch blends the sounds of their 90s Fat Wreck Chords style predecessors and the modern day Rise Against angst to make their mark on the music scene. The band has toured the US and abroad, and has shared the stage with such bands as Rise Against, NOFX, Strung Out, The Vandals, Death By Stereo, A Wilhelm Scream, The Flatliners, Lagwagon, The Swellers, and Authority Zero.

To date, Counterpunch has released three full-lengths, with the most recent record released August 5th, 2014 on Cyber Tracks Records (owned and operated by Aaron "El Hefe" of NOFX and his wife Jennifer). The new full-length "Bruises" was recorded at Chicago's Atlas Studios with producer Matt Allison, who has also worked with punk-scene veterans Alkaline Trio, Less Than Jake, The Menzingers, Masked Intruder, and The Lawrence Arms.

Eintritt: 16.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 14.00 € | Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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