Johnny Moped (Uk Punkrock/Damaged Good Rec.)

Fri. 02. March 2018, 21:00 horas


Ihr habt richtig gelesen...DIE Johnny Moped. DIE waren Punk bevor der so hiess.

Well, did you know the band Johnny Moped was formed in 1974 and release their first album "Cycledelic" in 1978?
Did you know such people like Captain Sensible (later in The Damend) or Chrissie Hynde (later in The Pretenders) where members of the original line up? But you know JOHNNY MOPED is nothing but solid Oldschool Brit-Punk ?
What ?
Now you know !
The band is the remaining original members, Johnny Moped, Slimy Toad and Dave Berk, joined by Rock N Roll Robot (Rob from the band CASE) and Jacko Pistorious ..

"Johnny Moped had all three ingredients necessary for maximum rock’n‘roll: amateurism, mayhem & humour. As the proud owner of a pair of Slimey Toad’s shorts I give my full endorsement to this silver digital beermat. Essential punk rock!”
Billy Childish (1995)

Eintritt: 14.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 12.80 €
| Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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