InTarsi at Tollhaus Karlsruhe

Fri. 29. December 2017, 20:30 horas
Sun. 31. December 2017, 19:30 horas


A few smallish platforms, a trampoline, a teeter board and four men
Four acrobats watch each other, gauge, run into, carry, throw each other and sweep us along in their metaphoric farandole: meetings, exploits, mistakes, power games, seductions, manipulations, an “intarsio” made up of fragments of life, a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of human relationships.
A circus in constant movement, strong, poetic, funny and heart-warming, a moment which inspires real tenderness for the strange beast that is the human being.

Created in Barcelona by Spanish and Italian artists, Compañía de Circo "eia " will bring to Kulturzentrum Tollhaus Karlsruhe its second show, inTarsi, that has been awarded as Outstanding New Show at PremiosMax 2017 (id. Tony Awards or Olivier Awards).

Reommended for all audiences
Length: 1 hour

Picture © Sonja Sleurs

Original Idea - Compañía de Circo “eia”
Directed by - Compañía de Circo “eia” and Jordi Aspa
Performers - Armando Rabanera Muro, Fabio Nicolini, Fabrizio Giannini, Eduardo Lucas
Musical direction - Cristiano Della Monica
Choreography - Michelle Man
Set design and construction - Compañía de Circo “eia” and El Taller del Lagarto
Lighting design - Sarah Filmer “Sankey”
Costumes - Fanny Fredouelle, Rosa Crehuet, Maru Shima
Producted by - Compañía de Circo “eia” and La Destil·leria
Artistic collaborations - Roberto Magro, Los Galindos- Marcel Escolano and Bet Garrell, James Hewison, Francois Juliot, Claudio Stellato

In coproduction with: Mercat de les Flors – Barcelona, Cirque Théâtre Jules Vernes. Pôle National Cirque et Arts de la Rue – Amiens (FR), CIRCO INTERIOR BRUTO, Lo Máximo - Madrid, Festival Temporada Alta – Girona, Salt, Festival Pisteurs d’Étoiles – Obernai (FR), HAMEKA. Fabrique des Arts de la Rue – Communatuté de Cummnes Herrobi (FR)
With the support and the collaboration of: La Central del Circ – Barcelona, Trapezi. Fira del Circ de Catalunya – Reus, Espace Catastrophe. Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque – Bruxelles (BEL), La Grainerie. Fabrique des Arts du Cirque – Toulouse (FR), L’Estruch. Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu – Sabadell (ESP), Subtopia – Estocolm (SE), Atelier Culturel de Landerneau (FR), Flic Scuola di Circo di Torino – Turí (ITA), Escuela de Circo Carampa – Madrid
Institutional partners: INAEM – Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de España, ICEC – Institut Catalá de les Empreses Culturals , Institut Ramon Llull – Llengua i Cultura Catalana
Kulturzentrum Tollhaus
Alter Schlachthof 35 - 76131 Karlsruhe - DE
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