Grinder Blues Band

Tue. 19. September 2017, 20:30 horas


Die Emmy Award Gewinner Bihlman Brothers touren mit dem Frontsänger von King´s X, Mr. dUg Pinnick, durch Europa.
Ihr neues Album „Grinder Blues“ ist wie ein Schuss Adrenalin mitten in das Herz des Genres. Die Gitarren im Güterzug-Rhythmus, donnernde Drums und die virtuose Stimme der Basslegende dUg Pinnicks – ein explosives Gemisch.

Legendary King’s X frontman Dug Pinnick joins forces with EMMY Award winning blues rockers The Bihlman Bros. for a musical pilgrimage that unites blues and rock in glorious soul revelry known as Grinder Blues.
After collaborating together on production music for film and TV, the songwriting team of Pinnick/Bihlman/Bihlman has expanded the scope of the project into a sonic chef d’oeuvre guaranteed to satisfy the most discerning musical palate!
Dug Pinnick is a revelation on vocals, digging deep into his number one soul brotha vibe. And of course, his signature bony bass tone is as hard core as ever. Scot “Little” Bihlman on drums, percussion, and vox, brings a heavy groove, pushing air through musical genres like a steamboat rolling down the Mississippi. Jabo Bihlman on guitars and vox, brings a heavy tone with surprisingly subtle nuances of traditional blues combined with searing, down and dirty lead work. The band has embarked on a genre-bending musical journey that has come to be known as Grinder Blues.
Along with producer/engineer Miles Fulwider and Barry Mork, the band has embarked on this journey that has come to be known as Grinder Blues…

VVK: 18€
AK: 20€
Reigen live
Hadikgasse 62 - 1140 Wien - AT
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