Music On

Fri. 21. July 2017, 23:59 horas


Music On returns to Amnesia on a Friday night for another huge season

Not much of an introduction is needed when it comes to Music On. The night of our lives for those lucky ones who visit the island and have the chance to experience Music On and Marco Carola on a Friday night at Amnesia Ibiza, a night that can't be missed.

The Italian Marco Carola is one of the most important DJs of the actual techno panorama and alongside theMusic On team, has given the island a new concept, which is known for selling out week after week.

Don´t miss the chance to live one of the most in demanded parties in the world, every Friday at Amnesia ibizafrom May 19th until October 7th.

Buy your tickets now

"It's all about the music"

Carretera Ibiza a San Antonio - 07816 San Rafael - Ibiza - E
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