Ceschi I US - Squalloscope I AT

Fri. 23. June 2017, 20:30 horas


Goldener Salon | Konzert
Ceschi (US)
Squalloscope (AT)

New Haven CT’s Ceschi (pronounced chess-key) Ramos makes his own version of progressive hip hop spliced with elements of folk & indie rock. Although he has almost "mathy” technical rap abilities, he’s a singer-songwriter at heart. One Ceschi song may consist of punk influenced machine gun fast raps, the next may be a quiet folk ballad played on acoustic guitar.

Squalloscope is an alias of Anna Kohlweis, who was born and raised in Austria and exists as a multimedia artist, illustrator, music producer, composer, songer and singwriter. Between 2006 and 2011 she was also known as Paper Bird, a name under which she released three full-length albums. Anna Kohlweis works as a solitary force on songwriting, production, recording, artwork, and music videos and is dedicated to rhymes, multi-layered choirs, field recordings, loops, vaguely sloppy beats, the intensely personal and quite possibly the slightly wacky.
Eintritt: 9.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 8.35 €
| Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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