Acherontic Arts Fest III

Fri. 12. May 2017, 15:00 horas
Sun. 14. May 2017, 02:00 horas


Thanks a lot to all the individuals and bands who supported us, attended the festival and made it possible that we can continue and hopefully improve our concept and fest according to our vision.
Meanwhile I am sure we will meet at other festivals, gigs and occasions and we are going to start slowly with preparations for AAF III.
We decided to push the fest for a week to avoid the accomodation shortage according to the simultaneous "Kurzfilmtage" which seem to happen every first May-weekend in Oberhausen.
We are looking forward to welcome you once more and again a huge thanks to all people attended or supported us in any different way.

Further info will follow as soon as available!
Im Lipperfeld 23 - 46047 Oberhausen - DE
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