INNA DI DANCE - Strictly Jugglin feat. City Lock Sound & DJ Stum

Sat. 14. January 2017, 23:55 horas


Wenn es draußen schön eisig kalt wird, helfen nur die karibischen Reggae und Dancehall Tunes um Euch so richtig schön einzuheizen!
Und wer wäre dafür besser geeignet als DJ Stumble und dem Gast Sound – City Lock Sound outta Berlin! Diese DJs werden den Waagenbau mit ihrer Selection zum beben bringen und dafür sorgen, dass jede eingefrorene Zehenspitze wieder warm getanzt wird! Seid mit dabei und bringt Eure Freunde mit, wenn es wieder heißt:

Wo : Waagenbau, Max-Brauer-Allee 204
Wann : Samstag den 14.01.2017
Doors : 24 Uhr
Tickets : 10€
DJs : City Lock Sound & DJ Stumble
Musik : Dancehall, Reggae

CITY LOCK was founded in 2002 by Tommy Dollar, Ali Bling, Paul & Ben E, in Berlin Germany.�
With the intention to become a war sound, they stepped on the battlefield from their early years. Besides other clashes they could manage to win some of the most important clashes in Europe like „War Ina East“ and „Riddim Clash“.
�After the crew was limited to Tommy, Ali and Paul they took a little break from the battlefield to focus more on touring Europe with Caribbean artists like KMC, Maximus Dan, Mad Cobra, Daville and many more.
They co-promote some of the biggest dances and clashes in Europe like the official after-show party from the „Carnival of Cultures“ called „Caribbean Invasion“ featuring artists from all over the Caribbean, the official German „Dancehall Queen Contest“, the „Euro Cup Clash“ and the „War Ina East“.
Travelling Jamaica regularly they played on many major juggling dances on the island like „Uptown Mondays“, „Nipple Tuesdays“ or „Bounty Sundays“.
With their „City Lock Dubplate Studio“ they also run one of the biggest dubplate services in Europe organizing dubplate sessions in Kingston and Berlin with almost every artist in the reggae industry. �Within the time of their break they also added a new member to the sound, the very talented Keon from Stockholm (Sweden) who keeps his own weekly dance in his hometown. Due to new priorities of the old members on family life they are about to recrute new members to be able to keep on covering all fields of functions within the sound and to expand into old and new fields of the music, such as own music productions and their new weekly radio show called „International Role Out Wednesday“ on Sound Chat Radio.
After a four-year break from soundclashes, City Lock finally just entered the battlefield again to play some major soundclashes in Europe in 2014.
Since then they won a couple of trophies again, the last one they got was for a win over Kosmik from NYC this year in Austria.
Max Brauer Allee 204 - 22769 Hamburg - DE
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