
Wed. 12. October 2016, 20:00 horas


Einlass: 20:00 | Beginn: 20:30 | Eintritt: VVK 8 € zzgl. Geb. | AK 10 € | Tickets:

ANTILLECTUAL aus Nimwegen gehören zur Speerspitze der europäischen Punkrockszene. Das neue Album „Engage“ erscheint im Juli, u.a. mit den Gastsängern Thomas Barnett von Strike Anywehere Nathan Gray von BoySetsFire. Das letzte Mal waren sie vor gefühlt einer Ewigkeit bei uns zu Gast und wir freuen uns, dass sie wieder mal vorbeischauen.
„Living in a world that is coping with conflicts and crises it is time to engage! Critical times call for critical music. On their new full-length album ENGAGE! Antillectual has taken a complete new approach to creating and perfecting their sound. Not only does the band have the best line-up to date, for the (pre)production of the new album the band created an all-star team covering the loud music area from left to right, from poppy to obscure. Songs are more fine-tuned than before; even more thought and effort is being put in. Of course there is still that typical Antillectual flavor. Yet, you will find that new toppings and deeper layers have been added, which you will discover after taking some more bites from the new Antillectual pizza.”

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