Meter Bridge [CA] - Support: Trium Circulorum, Elias Matt & (the) Rescue Mission

Thu. 22. September 2016, 19:00 horas


ALL ROOMS proudly presents:

Meter Bridge (CA)

The truth at last… Meter Bridge are Richard Kleef and Jill Beaulieu. Playing and recording since 2011, they have jointly created an expansive catalog of tracks. Undaunted by continuous positive feedback, this quirky couple have released Meter Bridge’s first full length album. The songs are crafted within the genres of synthpop, postindustrial and electropop. Mastered by D.J. Olive, the tracks are sparkly and well produced.Their influences include: Cluster, Kraftwerk, Brian Eno, The Cocteau Twins, Magazine, The The, and St. Saviour. Picture David Bowie, Groove Armada, Hot Chip and the Knife melded into thoughtfully arranged original compositions. They look forward to playing in England in September 2016 at the ElectroLondon festival with Wolfgang Flür (ex-Kraftwerk) as the headliner. Their second show in Europe will take place in Berlin at Badehaus.

Elias Matt & (the) Rescue Mission

9 € VVK inkl. Gebühren
13 € Abendkasse
Badehaus Szimpla
Revaler Straße 99 - 10245 Berlin - DE
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