︻芫═─── TTF the GANG in Vienna! Versace Chachi, Space God & Special Guests ───═芫︻

Fri. 08. July 2016, 22:00 horas


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Sorry. Due transportation problems, date of the show has to be changed. Location unknown :(.

Each mission begins with a thundering liftoff as the shuttle's twin solid rocket boosters ignite, pushing the vehicle with its crew and cargo beyond the bounds of gravity and into the hostile environment of spvce.

To meet the rigorous demands of spvceflight, each member - Ver$ace Chachi, Space God, Jay Purp and Trippygod undergo meticulous maintenance and preparation before each flight.

Watch them as they elevate after a rare warmup set by DJ Warzone in Vienna.

Expect the Spvce Vapor Wave coming right to your ear canal.
Multiple styles could be in various stages of processing at any given time.

Rap, HipHop, Beats, Break, Vapor


Ver$ace Chachi - Richmond, VA

Space God Wizard - New York City


Jay Purp - Toronto, Canada

Melody Mafia 迷幻 - Florida, USA

DJ Warzone - Vienna :)


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The Loft
Lerchenfelder Gürtel 37 - 1160 Wien - AT
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