Mass Bass

Thu. 24. July 2014, 23:00 horas


The session MASS BASS lands this summer at Privilege Ibiza to inject fresh blood into the clubbing scene on the island thanks to the most exciting musical phenomenon of recent times represented by major artists of the genre: Bass Music in its different variants.

Thursday nights at Privilege -and by extension in Ibiza- no longer will be the same again after being flooded by the coolest and sweeping electronic music in the international arena.

Sounds that, like an unbeatable virus, have left the underground to embark on the conquest of all kinds of audiences around the world as evidences his massive success in countries like the United States. And that at Privilege will be represented by their best Djs, both national and international.

From EDM to dubstep going along the new electro, trap music or the pimpiest house music, all these styles will have the presence they definitely deserve in Ibiza thanks to its club of reference: Privilege.

But in MASS BASS music will not be the only star since attitude will be the other fundamental ingredient of the session. From the guests in the cabin to the image of the session itself all in MASS BASS will exude an ATTITUDE (there, in capitals) for which you have to be prepared.

Do you dare?

Carrer Num. 3 Can Parent - 07816 Sant Antoni de Portmany, Islas Baleares - E
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