Elektronischer Freitag

Fri. 04. April 2014, 23:00 horas


2013 war nicht gerade das rosigste Jahr, welches die Szene und Subkultur in Stuttgart gesehen hatte. Clubschliessungen und behördliche Willkür hat nicht nur vielen Locations und Betreibern das Leben wirklich schwer gemacht, sondern auch den zahllosen Szene- und Clubgängern, in unserer kleinen aber doch feinen Landeshauptstadt, die Auswahl an guten elektronischen Veranstaltungen sehr stark eingeschränkt.
Wieder in alter Manier haben sich die Macher des CD´s zusammen gerauft um nach kurzweiliger Pause wie in alten Zeiten unser Städtchen mit elektronischer Musik zu beschallen. Ab März wieder jeden Freitag mit flexiblen Ende und einfach guter Musik. Schluss mit Langeweile:


Since the producer and DJ got Daft Punk’s „Homework“ from his older brothers as a kid, he couldn’t take his hands off of electronic music and spread this enthusiasm among his friends. Later on, his father’s garage was rebuilt as a secret rave-spot. Back then, they called it “LOVEiT” – today he is the co-founder of the label, event and booking agency based in Stuttgart with the same name.
Live and in the studio, he is influenced by the old Chicago vocal and acid house. When you experience Mayfield on the turntables, you will quickly realize that a note of soul is never missing. He also carries this note in his name, which is a tribute to the soul legend Curtis Mayfield.
Almost every week we see him on the decks in and around Stuttgart, among others at the monthly LOVEiT Residency at Club 33, but also in Cologne or Berlin. Since 2012, he is dating porn star Sofya Glebovn

Nico Brun

The characteristic garage-deep-house tracks à la Brun come off best in a cosy tête-à-tête with his groove station. Although he has only been producing for a couple of years, he dropped bombs like LOVEiT001 (“Bobb” and “Deeper”); Nick Beringer contributed a Remix as well.B
ehind the decks at the club, he makes the crowd dance with his fine repertoire of house music. In his sets, hard kicks lead the way through the Detroit and Chicago sound. His vinyl-only sets show Nico Brun’s philosophy and style.



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