5 Jahre SKY CLUB @ Skyclub Leipzig [ 22.03.2014 ]

Sat. 22. March 2014, 23:00 horas


SKY CLUB - Leipzig Sa. 22.03.2014, 5 Jahre SKY CLUB !
Entry: 23:00


Rich Vom Dorf [kiddaz.fm, acker rec, hamburg]
David K & Tom B [sky club, beatbrothers, dusted decks]
Alexander Remus [sky club, beatbrothers booking]
Zwette [tom odell - another love,global stage]
DIA aka Plattenpussys [jagd auf]
Sino Sun [sky club, beatbrothers booking]
Lars Fester [club velvet, glow]
Marc Zocher's & Marco Vetters's Oldschool Afterhour! [sky club, beatbrothers booking]


The Horrorist live! [things to come records, leveltrauma, new york, usa]
Reche & Recall 8 live! [tonal, miditonal rec., leipzig, dresden]
Human Like Maschines live! [tonal, miditonal rec., dresden]
NDK live! [sky club, tonal]
Borderline live! [strezzkidz, rohrmusik]
Perry live! [sky club, leveltrauma]
Der Achte Stock live! [tonal, miditonal rec.]
MaVett live! + DJ [sky club]


Clouds live! [turbo recordings, perth, scotland]
Schmitzkatze [pink pong, im rausch mit freunden, berlin]
Bassraketen [dusted decks]
Fanatique [sky club, beatbrothers booking]
Hellmood [sky club, beatbrothers booking]
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