Radioactivity + Bad Sports - Molotow (SkyBar)

mer.. 09. mai 2018, 20:30 Heure


Dealing in fast, streamlined punk rock with ringing guitars, simple but effective melodic hooks, and a double dose of energy, Radioactivity were formed in 2013 by Jeff Burke and Mark Ryan, who had previously worked together in the well-respected garage punk band the Marked Men. Radioactivity began as a spinoff of the Novice, a band Burke worked with from 2010 to 2012 while he was living in Japan. When Burke returned to the United States and settled in Denton, Texas, he didn't want to let the songs he wrote for the Novice go to waste, so he reworked them and assembled a new band as a platform for the material. With Burke on guitar and vocals, Ryan on bass and vocals, and Gregory Rutherford on drums, Burke named the new band Radioactivity, and they cut a self-titled debut for Dirtnap Records that was released in October 2013. The group supported the album with live work, though they emphasized that they wanted to be known as a good band rather than a good local band, and aimed for quality over quantity when booking shows. Burke and Ryan also opened their own recording studio, Cool Devices, which allowed Radioactivity to have a convenient spot to work on new material, as well as making it easier for their other projects to record; Ryan is also leader of the Mind Spiders, while Burke also records solo material. Guitarist Daniel Fried (also a member of Bad Sports and Video) joined the band prior to the recording of Radioactivity's second album, Silent Kill, which was released by Dirtnap on June 30, 2015.

Die Songwriting-Masterminds der MARKED MEN, Mark Ryan und Jeff Burke, haben wieder zuammengefunden und bauen auf dem auf, was sie einst hinterlassen haben. Bei RADIOACTIVITY übertrumpft sich die Hook-Maschine selbst mit dicht gewobenen, aber simpel gehaltenen Gitarrenteppichen sowie linearen Vocals, in deren Wechselwirkung eine Melodiösität und Melancholie entsteht, die einen stets aufs Neue erschaudern lässt.

Bad Sports:
Die BAD SPORTS klingen so ausgereift wie nie zuvor, verneigen sich vor NY-City-Glampunk, dem US-Powerpop nach CHEAP TRICK-Blaupause sowie griffigem Garagenrock mit nachhaltigem REAL KIDS-Einschlag.

Das Sinnbild von einer Band, die mit ihrem Sound wächst, mag abgedroschen klingen, im Fall des Trios aus Denton jedoch ist die Perfektion des Zwei-Minuten-Punk-Songs mit wachsendem Output hör- und nachweisbar.

Einlass: 20:30h | Beginn: 21:00h | VVK: 12€
Molotow Musikclub
Nobistor 14 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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