Special Guest: Luke Gasser Band
Dirty Deeds 79
Band-Info: www.dirtydeeds79.de
Bewährt kompromisslos - wie vom Original vorgegeben - kommt die Rhythmusgruppe KutA Young (git), Dr. Williams (bass) und Gonz "the machine" Rudd (dr) daher. Mit den wirkungsvollen Auffe-Mappe-Beats und Dampfhammer-grooves der frühen AC/DC erzeugen Sie die schweißtreibende Stimmung, die deinen Nacken knacken lässt.
Alle Regler stehen auf elf und der große Bon wird aus der Hölle heraufbeschworen, wenn die DIRTY DEEDS '79 Euch den guten, alten Stoff geben. Angus wäre stolz auf sie. Wenn Du die gigantische 78er "If You Want Blood (You Got It)" Livescheibe liebst und das monumentale "Let There Be Rock" Video von '79 seit damals Deinen Recorder nicht verlassen hat,dann laß sie Dir nicht entgegen. Niemals!
Luke Gasser Band
„Nobody is able to reinvent Rock’n’Roll like that, moreover it depends on the attitude, by
which you play it.“ – Quote: Luke Gasser.
And exactly this guy, Luke Gasser, embodies the old tradition of graet, classic rockbands by
recording a new album every 13-14 months. After his first three musical works, Retribution
(2012), Flicker (2014) and Rock’n’Roll Welfare (2015) which were highly praised and
respected, „Mr Allrounder of Rock“ will release a new album in 2017.
Therewith the Swiss rocker shows a walkout and a pace, which is difficult to keep up with,
nowadays. „If you know what you want, and know what your songs should sound like, there’s
no need to mix them up in the studio for three more weeks“, Luke Gasser says. „Mixing only
takes away the original spirit and feeling and then it’s no longer Rock’n’Roll in my opinion.“
His straight basic attitude and his incredible creativity, accrues to this highly talented artist
(musician, director, author). Luke Gassers touring activities with internationally known top
acts like STATUS QUO, NAZARETH or DORO, will surely support the success.
„These tours gave us such a great amount of input and power, that we immediately went to
the studio, where nobody could have stopped us anymore. The ideas for the new songs just
came out of nothing“, Gasser explains. „Therefore it was totally clear, that the next work will
be a double album“. The album includes – with a playtime of 90 minutes – 20 songs,
whereby also the stylistic range is extended, plainly audible.
A fact, which is – besides the powerful drumming of Rudi Halter – also due to the new bass
player of the Luke Gasser Band: Zach Prather. The Blues-bassist was born and raised in
Chicago and when he was young, he started to learn from his mentor Willie Dixon, who’s
known as the bassist of legendary musicians like Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters. Later
Zach played together with superstars like Curtis Mayfield, Luther Allison, Screaming Jay
Hawkins, Etta James and Mick Jagger.
In 2015 Prather joined the Luke Gasser Band, as he’s also heavily influenced by Blues Rock
of british Bands from the sixties and seventies. Or in Gasser’s words: „We love Rock’n’Roll –
and that’s why we play it.“
In autumn the LUKE GASSER BAND will be on European tour with Nazareth once again.
Gasser: „The past tour worked that well, that Nazareth wanted us to play the special guest
slot in 2016 again.
In Rock’n’Roll it’s all about the attitude – and in this respect Luke Gasser is beyond any
Luke Gasser Band
Luke Gasser – Guitar, Vocals
Zach Prather – Bass
Rudolf Halter - Drums
Abendkasse / Vorverkauf: 19,50/16,50 EUR