Sex Prisoner + Harm Done - HC/Power Violence USA&France

dim.. 29. octobre 2017, 21:00 Heure


Sex Prisoner (Power Violence / USA)
Tucson, Arizona’s Sex Prisoner take the abrasiveness of the Sonoran and convert it into a sweltering sound as short-lived as the sunset on the desert horizon. In 2016, their brilliantly cacophonous Tannhäuser Gate became an immediate staple in any powerviolence/hardcore collector’s vinyl library; the quartet have honed their sound into something dense, unhinged and cathartic. Having played with a list of bands that ranges from metal neighbors Gatecreeper to hardcore brethren Iron Reagan, Sex Prisoner indulge both the most metal and the most punk of audiences. Before unleashing a 15-minute barrage of noise onto Austin Terror Fest, they left their beers behind to talk about Weekend Nachos, weightlifting and Blade Runner.

HARM DONE (HC/Power Violence Frankreich)
HARM DONE is a new French band (Nantes) featuring members of RAW JUSTICE and REGARDE LES HOMMES TOMBER, started in the Fall 2013. They recorded their debut 7″ in April 2014, a "Hammer Tape ’15” in May 2015 and their debut LP "Abuse / Abused” out in February 2016. They play some kind of cold and no frills powerviolence filled with Infest’s speed, Sex Prisoner’s ignorant breakdowns and Entombed’s HM2 metallic guitar sound.

Eintritt: 7.00 €

| Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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