Counterweight pres. Domenico Crisci

ven.. 15. septembre 2017, 23:00 Heure


Counterweight pres.

Domenico Crisci
(Summa Cum Laude, Jealous God / Italy)

Gonzo MDF
(Counterweight, Rote Sonne/ Munich)

Marco H
(Counterweight, Rote Sonne/ Munich)

FR 15/09/17
Beginn: 23:00
Eintritt: 10€ (5€ < 24:00)

For the next Counterweight party we’ve invited the Italian guy everybody is talking about.
After destroying Katharsis with his set, Domenico Crisci will join us for another unforgettable night at Rote Sonne.
After releasing records on L.I.E.S. and it's offspring Russian Torrent Versions, Domenico quickly rose to prominence among purveyors of timeless Techno. In 2016 he started his own record label Summa Cum Laude and released on the heavyweight Techno label Jealous God (by the way, the label is run by Regis+Ruskin+Silent Servant).
Since the beginning of this year he was also very productive releasing on labels like Opal Tapes and Semantica records, so you know already what we are talking about: it’s going to be hard and noisy.
As a DJ you may have seen him already playing in venues like Berghain, Amsterdam’s Reaktor or in a Warehouse in Paris but if not, you finally can witness it by yourself in Munich’s Rote Sonne with the badass guys from Counterweight, Gonzo MDF and Marco H.
Leave your “Wiesn-Lederhose” at home and rave with us.
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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