Brew36 (Members of The Offenders & The Real McKenzies)

jeu.. 15. décembre 2016, 20:30 Heure


Goldener Salon | Konzert
Brew36 (Members of The Offenders & The Real McKenzies)

With a name that pays homage to drinking in the streets of Berlin – Kreuzberg 36 ( 36is the old postal code of this part of town ! ), where the band first met, BREW36 combines members of The Offenders & The Real McKenzies to deliver a uniquely crafted punk rock ‘n' roll blend, that hits hard, right from the first taste. Forget any other recipe - strong melodies and robust sing-alongs make BREW36 the street kids brew of choice. Familiar with each others’ reputations as rock ‘n’ roll road dogs, Valerio (guitar & vocals, The Offenders) and Checco (drums, The Offenders) and Vlad (bass, The Real McKenzies), were eager to play together and made quick work of turning talk into action, when the idea was born to form a power trio that mixes 80s British Oi with 90s American punk.

After months of sharing demos long-distance, to nail down the band’s epic sound, BREW 36 reunited back in Kreuzberg to record their debut full length LP, "Our Brew” for Long Beach Records Europe. "Our Brew" hits stores in November 2016 and the band will support it with extensive European tour dates booked by Muttis Booking Büro.

Eintritt: 12.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 8.00 €
| Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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