Blaudzun - Nachtleben (08.11.)

mar.. 08. novembre 2016, 20:00 Heure


Blaudzun on tour this Fall and Winter!

Blaudzun returns to the stage this fall almost three years after releasing his critically acclaimed album Promises of No Man's Land. Currently working on new music in different studios Blaudzun states his upcoming release will be "a work in progress and it will stay that way until I finished touring". He also announces some big and minor changes in his band personnel. "But don't worry, on my stage it will be crowded as ever."
Last week a street date for the release was launched….October 7, 2016!
On Wednesday night, Blaudzun posted a video containing some new work in progress, a European tour this Fall and Winter.
All dates mentioned including Nijmegen, Leuven, Berlin, Zurich and many more are on sale as from June 3rd, 10 am.
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 45 - 60313 Frankfurt - DE
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