Os Mutantes (Psychedelic Rock - BRA)

mar.. 31. mai 2016, 20:00 Heure


Os Mutantes (Psychedelic Rock - BRA)

When the members of the legendary "Tropicália” band Os Mutantes took the stage before an audience of thousands at the Hollywood bowl a few years back, it seemed one of the greatest secrets in modern music was finally out. The seminal band whose ethereal absurdist pop music had inspired so many prominent musicians since their breakup decades before, were back. This time the world seemed ready.

Those who have not heard the music of Os Mutantes have undoubtedly experienced their influence. During the band’s absence, their records have been passed from musician to musician like cherished gifts, ever inspiring and altering the contemporary musical landscape. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was tipped to the band by members of the band Red Kross. When Nirvana toured Brazil in 1993, Cobain tried desperately to arrange a meeting with Mutante bassist and singer Arnaldo Baptista. Unable to locate the musician he sent him the following note. "Arnaldo, best wishes to you, and be careful with the system. They swallow you up and spit you out like a maraschino cherry pit.”

Eintritt: 18.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 17.25 €
| Open: 20:00 | Start: 21:00
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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