Ein unglaublicher Musiker mit experimentellem Pop und diese bezaubernde französische Contrabasisstin im Vorprogramm und auch als Duo. Bei uns im Tonstudio Stuttgart !!!
Many years ago, a Salvation Army pump organ – dusty from service and silent since the War – settled into the hands of a 15 year-old boy named Michael Wookey. He began to play and record his own songs, and soon the pump organ was joined by other, more arcane instruments. An Optigan here, some Omnichords there, boxes of dead Casios waiting to be corrected. For the past few years, Michael lived in Paris, where he played regular concerts at Divan du Monde, Café De La Danse and Le Réservoir, and a monthly residency at the prestigious La Bellevilloise. He could also be seen performing his score for “Alice In Wonderland”, leading a 30-piece orchestra of toy pianos or recording innumerable musicians in his studio. Michael performs perfectly eccentric melancholic songs, ranging from blues stomps with just voice and feet, to Game Boy-tinged electronica. It’s hard to put it in to words, but his voice is what binds it all together. He is generally alone on stage with his banjo, chains, toy piano and sampler, and sometimes accompanied by The Hiddentracks on horns, double bass, and drums.
His new album “Submarine Dreams” is a charming formula with plenty of unique arrangement ideas. Cajun music and
New Orleans jazz are never far. A whimsical, playful world with a few melancholic strokes and carnival-like frenzy.