jeu.. 24. octobre 2013, 20:30 Heure


Goldener Salon | Konzert


Die ARROWS OF LOVE sind eine neue, heiße Band aus London. Wüster Gitarrensound gezeugt aus Liebe zur Gefahr, Lautstärke und schmutzigem Sex. Ein Explodierender Sound, der ahnen lässt, warum Rock'n Roll mal als Jugendverderbend galt. Wir werden noch viel von Ihnen hören!

Starting from radical improvisation, the band achieves to forge a sound which, today, is built on strong rock textures, guitar and drums based, on which a fluxus of outer sounds (old movies, old vinyls cut ups, noise streams and real time audio manipulations) ties and rages. In 2007 they release their self titled debut album, scarcely 30 minutes between noise and Kraut rock, the themes being glorious (La Resistenza against fascism) and dark (‘60 and ’70 state terrorism) moments of contemporary Italian history. In 2009, with the second album "Comunicato n.2”, the music gets more brutal and heavy, while the band gives voice back to those who have tried to revolt against the inhuman capitalist world order. From 2007 to these days, Fuzz Orchestra has been playing live restlessly in Italy and Europe.

In 2012 Fuzz Orchestra releases its third album "Morire Per La Patria", greatly received from the Italian press as well as from the crowds attending the band's gig. The music is now a mixture of modern and 70's heavy rock, used as a mean to convey messages of criticism about the new (and old) world order. The new record was recorded and mixed between Milan and Bologna (Vacuum studio), mastered by James Plotkin. It features some very special guests and friends: Enrico Gabrielli, (multi - instrumentist and horn player in Mike Patton's Mondo Cane, just to name one of his projects) , Xabier lriondo (guitarist in Afterhours and instruments builder), Edoardo Ricci (sax player and member of the most innovative italian free jazz ensembles since the 70's) and Dario Ciffo (classically trained violin player and ex member of Afterhours).

File under Black Sabbath meets Morricone meet revolution.
Eintritt: 10.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 9.50 €
| Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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