Latino Gang + SKY present SECH

Tue. 02. July 2019, 23:59 o´clock


For the first time ever the singer and composer Sech will make us dance along with the young and talented DJ Sky Rompiendo!

A night full of reggaeton ahead!

Funky Room:
Angel Linde & Graham Sahara

Chachi Ibiza moves away from superficiality and stereotypes. With an urban musical base directed by the Spanish Ballesteros DJ, Chachi offers an integrating show in which the artists interact constantly with the audience.

Dine and Dance:
Dine at the Pacha Restaurant Sushi Lounge then dance at Pacha!
More info and bookings: +34 971 310 959 |

Pacha Ibiza
Aveninda Ocho de Agosto - 07800 ibiza - E
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