Sabbat Re-union 2018

Sat. 24. February 2018, 23:59 o´clock


Sabbat is Back


Astrid Gnosis (Live )
Astrid Gnosis is a multidisciplinary artist, working mainly with sound, video and performance. Her practice revolves around themes of violence and urgency.

"Im fascinated by ritualistic channelisations of violence through simulation, the kind found in religion, dance, folklore and pagan ceremonies and other social practices that involve a shared language of some sort."

Through my practice the main interest is in creating semantic networks relating to the cognitive dissonance I experience and perceive inside western society. These maps or works navigate through its symptomatic disorders that are deeply rooted in social, mental and structural collapse.
It is in the moments on the brink of collapse where lucidity occurs and a path is cleared, better witnessed in hindsight as factors for change. The type of change is not my interest but rather simply the urge for it, without a particular focus, I simply
glorify discomfort as a state of being.

more t.b.a

Dj set
KNAB (STVRM -Riga , Latvia)
KNAB is STURM founder and events series organiser, and an important
figure in Latvian underground music. For more than 20 years he's been
informing the Latvian audience on various forms of dark and industrial
music via events, radio broadcasts and music distribution. He has also
served as a mentor for local artists and scene activists, which
resulted in forming of an industrial music subculture in Latvia,
centred around STURM events and label. Besides that, he operates as a
musician in projects Knauzers, Monkmort and Traur Zot.

Angelic Sintesis ( Sabbat berlin)

more t.b.a.

and very special guests ..

Lets bring The Underground back!!
Eichenstrasse 4 - 12435 Berlin - DE
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