Organ Explosion LIVE - Munich Again Thursdays

Thu. 16. November 2017, 20:30 o´clock


Doors 20:30
Beginn 21:00
Eintritt 15€ Students 10€
munich again Thursdays pr.
Organ Explosion
(Enja Records/Munich)
DJ Bavarian Mobile Disco & DJ Seducation

Endless expanses of sound: we find ourselves in 2016. After the “Organ Explosion” big bang, the trio now ignites the next level: “Level 2” is the name of the current studio album from the three “Vintage-Krassomaten”, who turn out to be veritable retro-futurists with their new work. With their conglomeration of legendary instruments from the 60s and 70s, featuring Hammond organ, Fender Rhodes piano, Fender jazz bass and Ludwig drums, they create a sound which the protagonists of all space hero series would have truly enjoyed. The music is spacy, danceable and ecstatic. Their new and overall third album proves that everything sounded better in the past, even the future. The concert will be followed by DJ Team Bavarian Mobile Disco & Seducation, playing some funk soul, psychdelic and kraut tunes, in the spirit of the night.

ORGAN EXPLOSION hat das Instrumentarium der 70er Jahre aus Omas Keller gekramt, um diese Lieblinge mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche zu behandeln. Das Trio verwandelt den Klang der alten Kameraden zu einem explosiv–freshen Sound. Melodien für Millionen mit dem Sexappeal des Funk, der Kreativität des Jazz, dem Dreck des Blues und der Krassheit des Punk.
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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