Counterweight pres. Under Black Helmet

Sat. 28. October 2017, 23:00 o´clock


Counterweight pres.

Under Black Helmet
(MORD, Code is Law/ Lithuania)

Marco H
(Counterweight, Rote Sonne/ Munich)

Gonzo MDF
(Counterweight, Rote Sonne/ Munich)

Counterweight strikes back in October with a really strong booking, as usual, an artist that never played in Munich before.
It’s the Lithuanian born producer Julius Laurašonis, a.k.a. Under Black Helmet, you might recognise him from the lineups of Unpolished, Herrensauna or ADE.
The first record that made it into the record bags all around the globe was his release “Mute” on the label “Code is Law”, an imprint of Morbeck. This release stood out among the releases in 2015, receiving great feedback and getting played by techno heavy weights such as Jeff Mills, Tommy Four Seven and Rebekah.
In 2016 he released alongside Morbeck another great record on Code is Law which contained his track “Staring into yellow Eyes”, a “must have” of 2016. This year he had his first release on MORD Records, we don’t really need to tell you anything about this bomb. Apart from his productions, he is also known for his very energetic DJ sets, so it was only a matter of time for him getting invited by the guys from Counterweight.
It’s also needless to mention what you can expect from the Counterweight residents Gonzo MDF and Marco H, who will take care to get the dancefloor soaked in sweat right from the start till the very last record.

SA 28/10/17
Beginn: 23:00
Eintritt: 10€
Rote Sonne
Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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