From Russia with Love

Sat. 23. September 2017, 23:00 o´clock


(EN) The next fairytails it's our third anniversary celebration! To mark the date, we are preparing an event at the Lenox with the participation of the fashion-vlogger 'Arnaud' as well as a opening act choreography of 'Die Another Die' (Madonna) in tribute to Thalia Garcia!

The guest Dj will be Dorian M from Paris! It can't get better than that. Check him out: djdorianm/ dj-dorian-m-forever-adventu re-promotion-podcast

The theme of the party is precisely the theme of our very first party at Bar Serge (Gudde Wëllen).

Bring all your friends!

Ft guest stars DJ Dorian M (FR) & Arnaud Korshunova (BE) & Lily Raven (PT)


From Russia with Love will count with the presence of 10 diverse and talented performers. Our community is very mixed and rich in plurality so we want that to come across. These performers will be of different genders (including non-classical), ages, body types and cultures. We believe in equality and the richness of the diversity!

Hotel deal: https://

Getting there: https:// transport


Lenox Club Luxembourg

58, rue du Fort Neipperg, L-2230 Luxembourg, Luxembourg



1 EUR donated to LGBT Russia Network for each presale ticket sold!

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Lenox Club Luxembourg
58, rue du Fort Neipperg - L-2230 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Luxembourg - L
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