Endless Boogie [us] & Special Guest at Vortex Surfer, Siegen

Wed. 13. September 2017, 19:00 o´clock


Endless Boogie - Blues/Psychedelic/Boogie Rock

Einzige Deutschland Show!!

Doors: 19:00 Uhr

Meet Endless Boogie, the best-kept secret in New York's rock scene. They have the best name (taken from John Lee Hooker's 1971 album), the best onstage vibe and the best head-nodding jams. In a sea of derivative and freshly outfitted young bands, Endless Boogie -- with a combined age of 169 and members who count Canned Heat as one of their influences -- doesn't have a big agenda. They just want to rock with you, preferably all night long. "We try boogie sometimes, but boogie's hard," says guitarist Jesper Eklow (aka "The Governor") self-effacingly. "Boogie takes skill and we haven't honed those skills yet." The band's sound is a meltdown of metal, psychedelic and classic rock with a heavy dose of riffage, a kick-ass beat and super-cryptic lyrics. It's thunderous and mellow at once. To put it another way, it goes well with beer.

VVK: Schüler/StudentInnen: 8 Euro // Rest: 15 Euro
AK: Schüler/StudentInnen: 11 Euro // Rest: 18 Euro
Auf den Hütten 4 - 57072 Siegen - DE
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