A Beautiful Accident LIVE / PROF. Funkstein

Thu. 07. September 2017, 21:00 o´clock


Doors 21:00, Beginn 22:00
Eintritt 10€

(Ray Moore/Munich)
(Feelgood Selection/Munich)

The group A Beautiful Accident started in 2016 when the Poet who Paints / Producer Ray Moore released his album The Wonder Of A Frontier and wanted to play it live. Ray enlisted Below23100 for the service on the turntables to aide in preparing a live show. A Beautiful Accident are : Below23100 the Turntablist (Gallerist); Ray Moore on Production / Rap / drum machine (POET WHO PAINTS ©) and Teresa Gruber on Trombone (Express Brass Band).

The grooves are set in a hip hop back drop with a touch of electronic influence. Ray pulls you into his thoughts and splits atoms with the lyrics he raps. The music is made as an impulse for beauty and enjoyment. In the spirit of jazz and hip hop improvisation binds them in purest form of language. That language is music.

Prof. Funkstein aka Fabio Zindaco started mixing in the suburbs of Munich in 2012 and together with Dr.Getdown he founded Feelgood Selection in the same year. The whole style of Feelgood Selection was mainly inspired by wefunkradio.com with some extra Latin, Reggae, Jazz and DnB flavour. The aim is to feel good in a funky mood and mix vinyls like da Vinci painted his Monalisa.

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Maximiliansplatz 5 - 80333 München - DE
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