TOPS | Uebel & Gefährlich

Fri. 09. June 2017, 19:00 o´clock


//Freitag, 09. Juni

TOPS im Uebel & Gefährlich



For Sugar At The Gate, their third and most ambitious album to date, Montreal's TOPS peaced out to LA. They lived and recorded at "Glamdale", a mini-mansion and former brothel located in the Jewel City, Glendale, CA. The unassuming record unfolds slowly, taking time to reveal itself. Like nearly everything TOPS does, multiple meanings overlap with the album's title referring to orgasm, but also to carrot chasing, gatekeeping, and the social contract. All of TOPS recordings have been produced by the band, who have self recorded the majority of their work to date.
Uebel & Gefährlich
Feldstraße 66 - 20359 Hamburg - DE
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