EUZEN [DK], support: Fiona Rüggeberg(Faun)

Sat. 20. May 2017, 21:00 o´clock


EUZEN is an accomplished and highly skilled live band: their devotion for innovative beats, appealing melodies and electronic soundscapes is obvious at every show. The quintet has made themselves a name on the alternative scene in Europe with three critically acclaimed album releases and numerous concerts and music videos for the past five years.
EUZEN (pronounced: "You-Seen") is an old Greek expression from Aristoteles. Directly translated “eu” means “to” and “zen” means consciousness. Aristoteles explained the meaning of Euzen to be the path to the good life and that the good life is to fulfill your true nature. When we interpret this into music, Euzen follows.
Every song released by the band is distinctive from one another and thus tell the story about a greater picture, namely the self-proclaimed Euzeniverse. A fantasy universe that celebrate life in all aspects of the word and in all directions.
The sound and tone of Euzen is clearly Scandinavian and told from a distinctive nordic perspective. The sharp fairytale-like and sometimes polyrhythmic vocal performances of Maria Franz is in a peculiar way both comparable to ancient and modern Scandinavia. Her lyrics often deal with deep existential and sometimes indescribable feelings in the human mind, and therefore invite the listener into a conversation that has been there throughout the ages, and one that will continue to the end of time. Their arrangements consist of a great number of ancient traditional instruments along with modern instruments and futuristic sounding subsonic electronics.

Maria Franz Vocal, loops, lyrics
Christopher Juul Piano, keys, electronics, guitar, production
Harald Juul Guitar, mandolin, banjo
Kristian Uhre Drums, electronic percussion, backing vocal
Thomas Welin, bass
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