José James

Mon. 10. April 2017, 19:00 o´clock


den Atelier & Banque Internationale à Luxembourg - BIL proudly present:

The New York jazz singer and songwriter is reborn as a powerful voice in contemporary R&B. While this is a man who's never been defined or confined by a genre, Love In A Time Of Madness is something new: a focused foray into moody soul, electronic pop, and trap-addled beats, with the occasional influence of African folk, American gospel and—as befits our host's upbringing—Minneapolitan funk. And though James' voice is no less agile and his ear no less adventurous, this is also his most relatable, daresay sexiest work yet, detailing love's ups and downs without holding back an ounce of emotion. José James' star is shining bright...
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