Erasmus Party - Abschiedsparty

Wed. 22. February 2017, 23:00 o´clock


Dear Erasmus Students,

You came here from all over the world to Marburg to make new friends, get to know a different culture, but of course to explore a new city and to have an awesome time.

As this exciting time is over now, we would like to celebrate with you to say thank you for your stay, cherish the new friends you made and have one last great and fun par-ty together. Say farewell on the dancefloor or at the bar. You can party together all night long. We will deliver you the best vibe for a great night full of dancing and pure joy.

So on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22th, we're going to celebrate a worthy farewell with the gre-atest international student party in Marburg.

Furthermore, this party will be special because we will celebrate together with Viva con Agua and you for a clean drinking water supply in Africa. Viva con Agua will pro-vide you with information material and receives a solidarity share of the entrance fee. A perfect win-win situation: you celebrate with us and at the same time help to impro-ve the basic supply of many people in Africa.

We are very much looking forward to see you there!
Bahnhofstr. 31a - 35037 Marburg - DE
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