Keep It Low Festival 2016

Fri. 21. October 2016, 18:00 o´clock


Keep it Low is a cozy 2 days Indoor Festival with family character and loads of good vibes.Fans of Heavy Rock, Psychedelic, Doom, Stoner and Rock´n Roll should mark 21 & 22 October 2016 in their calendar.The first three editions were sold out and the upcoming 4 th edition will also see an excellent line up, to be announced in the next few days and weeks. The "Feierwerk"-Areal is only 2 subway stations away from the centre of Munich. KIL 2016 greets with 3 stages and around 20 bands, outside beergarden & skatepark. For the ones keeping it really low, we decided to end the festival with an aftershow party (+DJ) on the 22 nd in one of the concert rooms.
Early Bird original Hardtickets-2 Days Pass:
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