Onda Vaga vuelve a Berlin!

Thu. 25. August 2016, 20:30 o´clock


Sudestada Sounds presenta a Onda Vaga!
Vuelve a Berlin una de las mejores bandas argentinas de la actualidad! Luego de un año girando por México, Colombia, Perú, Usa, Belgica, Suiza y España, llegan a Berlin a despedir el disco "Magma Elemental". En esta oportunidad estaran adelantado temas de su proximo trabajo discografico que saldra a fines de 2016.

De cierre, La Fanfarria del Capitán, creadores de la fanfarria latina, banda que se ha presentado en reiterados oportunidades en Berlin, en esta oportunidad presentando su nuevo trabajo discografico "La Giravida", dentro de su 6ta gira internacional por toda Europa!

Once upon a time, musicians from Buenos Aires’s under scene run into each other in Cabo Polonio. This rustic beach town with no electricity or running water gathered them in its acoustic imposition soon to be converted in style and aesthetics, almost a personal signature to them.

Onda Vaga was born in summer, barefoot, playing in a camp fire, chanting together, loud, trying to convince the moon to come out and the sun not to go down from this particular place on earth where both things could be seen in its perfect synchronism during January’s full moon.

Onda Vaga smells like teen spirit, like camping, like parties in rooftops, like friends sharing songs and skies, but also like carnival, like energy liberation in an ancient ritual that has taken place in all ages of the earth and will be revisited many times more. Some wisdom relies in loosing our heads and dancing repeating their mantras, while folk meets trumpets & trombones and partying last until sun came up again.

Get a spot around the camp fire, or on the curb of the neighborhood, up that big tree or even at that refugee in the mountain, prepare to embrace your inner child, or you ancient soul, be free, relax. Be a VAGO.




Oranienstr. 190 - 10999 Berlin - DE
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