Sudakistan (SWE - Garage/Indie/Electro-Clash)

Wed. 25. May 2016, 20:30 o´clock


Goldener Salon | Konzert
Sudakistan (SWE - Garage/Indie/Electro-Clash)

Formed a couple of years back when they were all working and hanging out at the same bar in Stockholm, Sudakistan quickly drew attention for their chaotic live shows and frantic sound - a mixture of Latino rhythms and garage rock, brought together with psychedelic guitars and multilingual chants. Their debut album 'Caballo Negro', out in late 2015, is the sound of a band with a couple of years on their backs, secure and confident in their stride for the perfect song.

Eintritt: 10.00 € | Eintritt VVK: 8.00 €
| Open: 20:30 | Start: 21:30
Große Elbstraße 84 - 22767 Hamburg - DE
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