Tue. 03. May 2016, 19:00 o´clock


Tickets über Metaltix und CTS. On top of that we are offering a special ticket / t-shirt through Metaltix here. This special T-Shirt will be available exclusively in this bundle!
Einlass: 19:00, Beginn: 20:00

Rock Hard, Kulturnews, Guitar, Rocks, Metal.de, Kalle-Rock.de & Dragon Productions present

D-A-D - "Riskin' it all for the Pilgrims" - 2 classic albums in 1 night

We are very proud to present D-A-D with a very special show in April and May 2016. The band will play two of their classic albums in one night! "Riskin' it all" from 1991 and "No fuel left for the Pilgrims" from 1989 in one night - on this tour D-A-D will be "Riskin' it all for the Pilgrims"! Those nights will be a firework of musical awesomeness that no D-A-D fan should miss!
Zeche Bochum
Prinz-Regent-Str. 50-60 - 44795 Bochum - DE
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