90's PARTY

Sat. 20. September 2014, 23:00 o´clock


min. age 21+

The 90’s! One of the best decades ever!
Remember the classic dial-up internet connections? Pulp Fiction, Space Jam, Fight Club, Jurassic Park, The Big Lebowski, Goodfellas and Power Rangers, Austin Powers, C+C Music Factory, Oasis, Eiffel65, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, Reebok pumps, Game Boy, SEGA Genesis, Nintendo 64, and, last but not least: Tony Hawk..
…Yes, all that was going on in the 90's!

Join the biggest party in town:
Doors open in the main room at 11:00pm with the HOOTENANNY.
They are a bunch of crazy lads, bustling about at night... and they're on a mission! "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno", or to cut a long story short: these guys stick together. And they've done so for a long time now. Although they're not menopausal (just yet), they've had their fair slice of nightlife extravaganza so far. But they're still hungry for that extra mile, still working on the next big bang, still eager to push to the limits that ominous concept of "an amazing night out".
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